Word from the CEO

Life partner search – Online soul mate - Word from the CEO

It is great pleasure initiating a platform where we’d be able to bring about a difference in people’s lives, especially in this day and age when finding a suitable match has become a tedious task. Shaadee.pk has been introduced with the primary objective of hassle-free matchmaking, thus sparing you the time and energy required to go rishta-hunting.

Breaking free from the conformist ideology being followed since ages, we have brought forward the concept of “Personalized Matchmaking”. We work like an executive search firm, looking for exceptional people and helping you connect with them for the purpose of marriage.

Our team comprises well-educated, qualified good experienced individuals with the ability to serve our worthy clients in the most effective manner, while honouring their security and privacy. Supported by innovation and professionals who deeply understand the matchmaking phenomenon, we envision expanding our setup beyond geographical boundaries.

We wish you the best of luck with your soul mate search. 

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